Where am I going next?

Of late my trips have been short and sweet weekenders and mostly to neighboring states.  Thats going to change come April 1.

My next few weeks are going to be very busy preparing for fairly ambitious travel itinerary.

I’ll be heading down the coast to the Outer Banks of North Carolina where I plan to visit several areas, spend some time on the beach (searching for Sea Turtles maybe?)  and I promised my sister I’d check out some of her favorite shops in Duck.

I’ll continue on to Savannah, Georgia to photograph plantations and wander around historic Savannah neighborhoods.

After that its on to Florida where my only real plan is to catch up with a couple of friends and find some areas to photograph birds not commonly found up in Maryland.

I’ll spend several days in Mobile, Alabama (which I’m still researching) before moving on to New Orleans to experience both the city and the bayou.

My destinations after New Orleans are vague as I try to narrow down my choices, give myself alternate choices for times when plans just dont work out and researching all the areas I’m interested in. I hope to visit Roswell, NM, Petrified Forest National Forest, Grand Canyon National Park, Death Valley and Yosemite National Park before deciding to head through Colorado and then towards Maryland, or to continue on towards Washington State.

So many decisions and possibilities!  Exciting times ahead!

2 thoughts on “Where am I going next?

  1. Saw the wordpress logo on G+. Clicked over to read the rest of the story. An interesting read. I’ve traveled all over the country, usually by riding the rails, or hitch-hiking, or the long gray dog. As such, I can relate to the wander-lust and the desire to venture where I’ve never been. Thing is…I haven’t met many women who travel. Oh, I’ve had my share of reading people’s adventure of what they call traveling, a vacation here, a trip there, but that certain flavor of needing to travel is just never seen in the rear view mirror of their reflections. But, tho I haven’t read much of your blog, I can sense (an acquired taste, I suspect) something with more diminsion when you use the words and feelings of wandering, like you know, really know, that wandering isn’t a thing you achieve, but that wandering is a need which can’t be filled.
    Thanks for sharing, happy trails to you 🙂

  2. Thanks, Raymond. I definitely share your experience of not having met many woman with the wanderlust. Honestly, its been a building desire for me. I started in spring of 2010 (at least the Real Travel, rather than vacations) and fell in love with finding new places, new people and new experiences. I try to combine it all with the business of my photography, because that is also a joy, but to hit the the road is the beginning of so much more than ‘a trip’, its really about living life how I feel I’m meant to.
    Happy Trails to you as well.

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